Akram Khan - Tabla
SHUBHENDRA RAO is a disciple of Ravi Shankar. Shubhendra says, "The insight he has given me into this music – the spiritual feeling to approach it with – raga clarity and strict adherence to the raga without taking any liberties with the raga – the different moods of different ragas – everything I have absorbed from him." Shubhendra plays raga Marwa. He says, "The twilight hour is one of the most beautiful times in a day. The sadness at the thought that the day is coming to a close and the happiness you feel that it is the start of the nightfall – both these emotions are strong and raga Marwa is a perfect example of this feeling."
SHUBHENDRA RAO is a disciple of Ravi Shankar. Shubhendra says, "The insight he has given me into this music – the spiritual feeling to approach it with – raga clarity and strict adherence to the raga without taking any liberties with the raga – the different moods of different ragas – everything I have absorbed from him." Shubhendra plays raga Marwa. He says, "The twilight hour is one of the most beautiful times in a day. The sadness at the thought that the day is coming to a close and the happiness you feel that it is the start of the nightfall – both these emotions are strong and raga Marwa is a perfect example of this feeling."
Raga Marwa Alap, Jor & Jhala – 43:36 Madhya Gat in Rupak Tal – 16:51 Drut Gat in Tintal – 7:36